Friday, May 3, 2013

Cookbook Narrative

What are examples of how your group used teamwork while working the project?
1.Some teamwork we used are when we peer editing and giving eachother food and word ideas. We also encouraged eachother to work hard to the headline.

What were some of the biggest challenges your group faced? How did deal with those challenges?
2. The biggest challenges our group faced were getting exact measurements. We dealt with it by just rounding measurements.

What will you do differently on the next project considering you will have less time (7 days total) to complete it?
3. We will consume our time so everything will be done on time. Drafts and editing will be on time. We will have due dates not time spaced apart.

Are you happy with the overall performance of your group? Give specific reasons to support your answer.
4. Yes I am happy with my overall performance. My narrative was long and was a true story of one of my Thanksgiving. And the recipe was one of my favorite foods.

What did you enjoy about working on this project?
5. I enjoyed writing the recipe and asking my mom the ingredients and how she cooks it. I also enjoyed writing the narrative of my family and my moral.

What didn't you enjoy about working on this project?
6. I didn't enjoy the fact that we had too much spare time to do nothing.

If you could design an entire project from scratch, what would it be?
7. If I could design a project I would design a collage. The collage would be of the past, present and future goals. This would be a individual project. The resources you would need are pictures, magazines, laptop, events, places, colleges, schools, people and things important in your life. The end would result of many pictures of your life story and as it go ons and your future goals.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Environmental Awareness Post-Assessment/Reflection

1. When I hear the word "environment" I think of the animals and people. I think of what we live in and what helps people and animals survive. Environment includes climate, weather and plants.

2. Based on Information explain problems that Humans face regarding to the Environment
Based on information using things I have read, seen, or heard my problems that humans may face with regarding to environment are skin problems, irritation and living conditions. The environment includes the weather and climate. Certain humans live in certain climates and when exposed to a different settings it can result in a problem.

3. Based on Information explain problems that Animals face regarding to the Environment
 Based on information using things I have read, seen, or heard my problems that animals may face with regarding to environment are living conditions. Animals can face a climate change which will change the conditions they live in. Animals have to learn how to adapt the climate and it can cause death and severe problems. Also the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico harmed many sea animals. They were stuck with oil on them, the oil destroyed plants and food and homes for animals.

4. Recycling
Recycling is when you use a used item or trash and make it into reusable items. Recycling is going green.

5. Is recycling important? Why?
I believe recycling is important because it can be a impact on help saving the environment. Recycling is important because, for example if we keep continuing deforestation it will affect the environment, people and animals. But if we recycle things that trees are used to make then less trees we have to cut down. Recycling is a great way to go green and keep the environment a safe place for animals, plants and people.

6. Things Individuals can Do to Keep our Environment Healthy for People and Animals:
Use the 3 R's ; recycle, reuse and reduce
Turning off electricity after use
Not wasting
Reduce using polluted technologies
Reduce irritants from technology or other objects

7.  Things Communities could to Keep our Environment Healthy for People and Animals:
Do community environmental services
Go green
Clean up the community
Help organizations
Raise money to help other locations

8. What are some things large businesses or industries could do to keep our environment healthy or people and animals?
Large businesses or industries can help by reducing the technology they use. Based on research some large businesses or industries produce pollution coming from technology they use everyday. Especially with factories and chemicals they use. They also can cause a major damage or change in animals environment. Maybe if the businesses think and experiment before actually going on with a project. They can look more into what they use and look for other alternatives to help.

9.  On a scale from 1-5, I am concerned with environmental issues is a 4. I choose 4 because I live in the environment and i understand harm to it can also be harm to myself, plants and animals. I changed my answer because after research i got to know more of the environment and the awareness and pollution.

10. I feel like I could have done better on my I-Search. My work did make me feel more college ready. It made consume my time in the correct paste, and responsibility on work.

Monday, January 28, 2013

What are your ideas of the environment ?

1. When I hear the word "environment "I think of the world. I think of going green and taking care of the planet. When I hear the word I think of nature and living things.

2. Based om things I have read, seen, or heard some problems that humans may face with regard to the environment are skin cancer from the sun. The ozone layer getting to close the us and it damages the way the system of heating and cooling works. Some environmental problems can cause humans to have living problems; such as the climate or place they live.

3.  Based om things I have read, seen, or heard some problems that animals may face with regard to the environment are the heating and cooling problems. Some climates that most animals are used to are being destroyed so it makes life hard for the animals or the way they're functioned with living. Also with an oil going into the ocean and it causes animals such as; fish, ducks, dolphins etc. to get stuck in the oil. And with the waste going to the ocean causing other animals to eat certain things that they may choke on.

4. Recycling is when you take an object that has already been used and it is reused to make the same object. Ex. water bottles will be used, then recycled and will be turned into new water bottles. Recycling can save the environment.

5. Yes I believe recycling is important because it can help save the environment. Instead of cutting down multiple trees to make paper, you can reycyle it to be reused later. Recycling is a perfect way to go green.

6. Things Individuals can Do to Kep our Environment Healthy for People and Animals:
  • Use the 3 R's ; recycle, reuse and reduce
  • Turning off electricity after use
  • Not wasting
7.  Things Communities could to Keep our Environment Healthy for People and Animals:
  • Do community environmental services
  • Go green
  • Clean up the community
8. Things large businesses or industries could do to keep our environment healthy for people and animals is to make people get more involved. Make more products to help the environment.

9. On a scale from 1-5, I am concerned with environmental issuses is a 3. I say 3 because I am concerned about the environment issues but I don't help as much as I want.

10. What are things that I can do to help more ?
Is there more community services that we/I can do to help the environment ?