Thursday, October 25, 2012

What Does it Mean to be Lonely to You...

What are the most interesting or surprising ideas you've had as result of the readings for this week?
      The most interesting ideas I've had as result of this week is the change in my idea of loneliness. We had to write in our own word what we thought loneliness meant. After reading the article on Loneliness in the Modern Age my idea changed a little. I knew that being lonely is physically and also mentally, but in the article it went deeper with mentally. One of the paragraphs described how holidays can make one feel lonely. When others are with their loved ones and your by yourself you feel isolated. "To feel lonely is to be overwhelmed by an unbearable feeling of separateness, at a very deep level" quoted by the UK mental health charity. That quote goes with the novel Of Mice and Men pages 1 through 16. The character Lennie has showed me another side of loneliness. He has a partner George that he is with, but they think and act differently. Lennie does not comprehend like others, he doesn't process everything. He can forget things, events, stories etc. quickly, he has Alzheimer's. These disorders separates him from the crowd. As in the story George gets frustrated and don't understand him. This makes me think that Lennie is lonely.

                      Learning About Yourself by Completing The Personal Mandala
       While completing the Mandala i have learned a lot about myself. To identify what animal i am more like i took a quiz and it said i was more like an otter. Then I also found out that i can be like a goat, they have the ability to climb higher than they are, they are surefooted and flexible. I have also learned that the opposite of my animal I am also most like, which is a puma. Puma's are described as procrastinators, I can be described as a procrastinator. I have learned about a lot of objects that can symbolize my personality. Their were multiple and different objects that can symbolize many people in a more deeper meaning then the way the object looks. Such as like a number, the number doesn't have to symbolize you but the way its curved or how straight the line is and etc. During this process you can learn about yourself in a creative way. Especially for me I figured out what colors, numbers, shapes, elements and animals can be described as my personality.

Which part(s) of the writing process for Paper 1 were most helpful or informative?
      The discussion part of the writing process for Paper 1 was most informative. In the beginning of the writing process it was difficult to write the paper. We knew the book had many examples of the themes, but it was difficult to find the examples or explain them. It was more informative because during the discussion we took parts of the book & took out important parts. We discussed parts that didn't seem important, come out and mean something. The discussion helped the people who were doing hypocrisy and ideology. The teacher help us discuss and find parts that describe those themes. It made the process of the paper easier to identify the point of the paper.

What have you enjoyed most from the activities from this week? Why?
       This week the activities i enjoyed were reading the article Loneliness in the Modern Age and making the Loneliness posters and group discussion. I liked reading the Loneliness in the Modern Age and answering the definition of loneliness because it made me think what the definition was. After reading the article, it gave you examples of loneliness and definitions. Once i read it my definition changed, it made me think deeper about the word. I also enjoyed making the loneliness posters because our group came together and used each of our definitions to make one. Then we also used examples to draw out picture and find a lonely quote.Before we did the poster we had to read our context and our question. That help discuss questions that can be answered without reading our book. This could be a good skill builder that's why I like the discussions.

                                              What challenges have you faced?
      The challenges I have faced is the Mandala and finding the correct object to fit my personality. Sometimes its difficult to find an object and find the deeper meaning. Then to find the adjective of the object meaning, and find the antonym , then find an object that can fit that antonym. It's difficult searching for those things.

What is at least one short-term goal you have for yourself for the next week?
       One short-term goal i have for myself tor the next week is to have completed the book and get ready for the next essay. I want to be able to read the book and understand it in a deeper meaning. So when that essay comes up I'm prepared and ready for the challenge.

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