Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ideas and Understanding of The Text

                                       Most profound idea you have had as a result of your reading...
      The most profound idea i have had as a result of my reading is the strict guidelines and punishments that the Puritans community has to live by. Their guidelines basically make the community not have a voice to decide on other ways to live their lives. They live their life through the bible, so they lives are very religious and has their mind set on living all the same way. Then their punishments for going against the way the live are harsh. They can put you in a life or death situation, they get privileges for lying, which they think is the truth and a harsh punishment for telling the truth which is lying.  For an example in the book The Crucible the girls were accused of the witch craft. If they were to tell that they we're doing witch craft they had a chance to change and be with god, but if they were to say they were not doing witch craft they would be hung. Their way of punishing or getting the answers are unusual.

                  What's changing in terms of your understanding of your topic?
      When the girls were shouting out all the names changed in terms of my understanding of the topic.During the discussion we had the teacher has approached us with the names they called and how it important they were.  The names that the students were yelling out were names of poor, non educated, homeless people; people who could not defend themselves. The understanding is that if they named a judge, a priest or someone with high power they would easily defend themselves. In the beginning I thought they were naming names of people they didn't like or just random names.

      I am enjoying when you read the book it doesn't make sense. Then as you keep reading you can make an inference on what you didn't understand. Also having the group discussions helped understand the things that had you confused. The discussion was a chance to listen to other people understanding of the book and putting the puzzle pieces together.

      My challenges were how everything in the book got shifted real quick. It started with young girls supposedly doing witch craft, then were brought with a great offer. They were offered to admitting to doing witch craft and to be helped or to say they didn't and be killed. They chose to be helped but yet cause a lot of trouble and death in the end. They made the conflict bigger than what is was suppose to be.  


                        What are you wondering ?
       I am wondering how all in the end of the book people are being punished for nothing. They caught a few girls dancing naked, to putting a ton of people in jail for not admitting to something they did not do. The judges would listen to these young ladies and not get the truth. They would accept you for a lie and kill you for the truth. It does not make since, because if they want the truth you get the truth and bring evidence along with it and when you lie then you are punished.

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